Sleep is something we need to do every day, it’s essential to our well-being, so you’d think we’d have a better handle on how to do it by now.
However, sleep increasingly evades many people as the constant stream of digital noise increases and time to wind down decreases.
Here are seven tips to help you drift away to a better night’s sleep, but as always if you feel that poor sleep is impacting your health seek advice from a medical professional.
To turn off a light, you need to flick a switch. The same applies to going to sleep; you need some triggers to tell your body it’s time to doze off.
When you block out time for sleep, try blocking out an extra half hour for your transition into sleep, make it your most important meeting of the day. Draw a line in the sand, today is done, all that remains is a good nights sleep.
Then use that time to switch off all devices (including the TV) and give yourself some personal space to do whatever you find triggers a transition into one of the best things you can do for your health, quality sleep.